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Model Terms & Conditions for Deemed Standard Connection Contract 3603
This contract is about the services which cover connection of your premises to our distribution system, and the energy supplied to the premises. These services are called "customer connection services".
This contract is about the services which cover connection of your premises to our distribution system, and the energy supplied to the premises. These services are called "customer connection services".
External contractors contact list
This document provides the contact list of external contracting companies (ie Designers/ Consultants, Electrical and Civil), which are listed by SA Power Networks, who may be able to undertake a range of services associated with the installation of the electrical infrastructure, but the list does not necessarily reflect all of the contracting companies that have suitable accreditation.
This document provides the contact list of external contracting companies (ie Designers/ Consultants, Electrical and Civil), which are listed by SA Power Networks, who may be able to undertake a range of services associated with the installation of the electrical infrastructure, but the list does not necessarily reflect all of the contracting companies that have suitable accreditation.
Distribution Annual Planning Report 2024/25 to 2028/29
The Distribution Annual Planning Report has been prepared by SA Power Networks to inform National Electricity Market (NEM) regulators, participants and stakeholders about existing and forecast system limitations on our distribution network, and where and when they are expected to arise within the forward planning period from 2024/25 to 2028/29 and whether the AER's Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D) process applies.
The Distribution Annual Planning Report has been prepared by SA Power Networks to inform National Electricity Market (NEM) regulators, participants and stakeholders about existing and forecast system limitations on our distribution network, and where and when they are expected to arise within the forward planning period from 2024/25 to 2028/29 and whether the AER's Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D) process applies.
Excluded substations statement
In accordance with clause 5.13A(b)(2) of the National Electricity Rules, SA Power Networks is required to disclose those zone substations which have been excluded from its zone substation dataset on the basis of confidentiality.
In accordance with clause 5.13A(b)(2) of the National Electricity Rules, SA Power Networks is required to disclose those zone substations which have been excluded from its zone substation dataset on the basis of confidentiality.
TS108 Technical Standard for Indoor Equipment Room
This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of the equipment room, where equipment that is a part of the SA Power Networks distribution network is installed. The specifications in this document are applicable to all parties, whose activities are associated with the design and construction of the equipment room where SA Power Networks' equipment is located.
This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of the equipment room, where equipment that is a part of the SA Power Networks distribution network is installed. The specifications in this document are applicable to all parties, whose activities are associated with the design and construction of the equipment room where SA Power Networks' equipment is located.
Technical standard TS-116 - Attachment of Third-Party Equipment on SA Power Networks' Infrastructure
This document is intended for use by SA Power Networks staff, council engineers, building work contractors, licensed electrical contractors and registered electrical workers who are directly engaged in activities associated with the installation of third party equipment on SA Power Networks Stobie poles or public lighting columns. The requirements of this document apply to customers and their agents in relation to electrical installations connected to or intended to be connected to SA Power Networks distribution network.
This document is intended for use by SA Power Networks staff, council engineers, building work contractors, licensed electrical contractors and registered electrical workers who are directly engaged in activities associated with the installation of third party equipment on SA Power Networks Stobie poles or public lighting columns. The requirements of this document apply to customers and their agents in relation to electrical installations connected to or intended to be connected to SA Power Networks distribution network.
SA Power Networks Connections & Ancillary Network Services
This manual (Manual 18) outlines the list of fixed and quoted fees for Connections and Ancillary Network Services. These fees have been prepared in accordance with the AER approved 2020-25 Regulatory Determination for SA Power Networks.
This manual (Manual 18) outlines the list of fixed and quoted fees for Connections and Ancillary Network Services. These fees have been prepared in accordance with the AER approved 2020-25 Regulatory Determination for SA Power Networks.
Network Information for Contractors and Customers NICC-270 - Connection of Medium and Large Embedded Generation greater than 30kVA
This document has been developed to assist proponents of embedded generating system in understanding the process and requirements associated with connecting inverter energy systems greater than 30kW and all rotating generation systems to the SA Power Networks distribution network.
This document has been developed to assist proponents of embedded generating system in understanding the process and requirements associated with connecting inverter energy systems greater than 30kW and all rotating generation systems to the SA Power Networks distribution network.
Tariff Price List
This document comprises of our regulated tariff rates, tariff mapping, metering charges and associated site charges. For information regarding the application of our tariffs please refer to our Tariff Structure Statement document.
This document comprises of our regulated tariff rates, tariff mapping, metering charges and associated site charges. For information regarding the application of our tariffs please refer to our Tariff Structure Statement document.