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  • 11th February 2022

    Outages linked to Grey-headed Flying Foxes expected to increase in 2022

    Animals, Animal Safety, Grey Headed...
  • 9th February 2022

    Top 5 tips to save you money on your swimming pool this summer

    Energy Advisory, Energy Saving
  • 1st February 2022

    A showcase of cultural diversity now on display on Stobie poles around Keswick

    Stobie pole art, diversity, Paint Y...
  • 28th January 2022

    Flexible Exports now offered in additional areas with more compatible equipment

    Flexible Exports, Industry News
  • 14th January 2022

    January 2022 apprentice intake now open

    apprentice, apprenticeships, career...
  • 2nd December 2021

    A flying two-tonne Stobie pole transported by a Black Hawk helicopter

    Innovation, helicopter, safety
  • 1st December 2021

    Fire danger season 2021 / 2022 is here

    Bushfire, safety
  • 1st December 2021

    SA Power Networks again rated Australia's most productive electricity distributor

    Awards, AER
  • 30th November 2021

    Billing and CRM project scoops Project Management Achievement Awards

    awards, Project Management
  • 16th November 2021

    Premier's Award for Innovation for our Enhanced Voltage Management solution

    Awards, Innovation, distributed ene...
  • 8th November 2021

    SA Power Networks welcomes updated vegetation regulations following extensive stakeholder ...

    vegetation, vegetation management, ...
  • 5th November 2021

    Press Release: SA network sets new mark for solar