For the following menu: when a menu item is expanded, focus is moved to the expanded sub-menu. When pressing the Tab key to move through sub-menu items, the sub-menu for each menu item will open in sequence.
Our team are here to answer any questions you may have.
REX changes
Attention REX users - we're swapping to eBilling
Metering Contestability - Metering changes in SA: Update to Connection Processes
Metering Contestability - Metering changes in SA: REX changes for retailers - email notifi...
Website launch
Metering Contestability - Metering changes in SA: REX changes
Electronic Certificate of Compliance
Launch of our Public Lighting web form
Metering Contestability- Metering changes in SA: Update from retailers
Metering Contestability - Metering Changes in SA: Industry 'staged' approach conclusion
Changes to requirements for inverter energy systems above 200kW
Metering Contestability - Metering changes in SA: Post go-live update