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Notification of works

Arno Bay area

April 2024 – March 2025


What we’re doing

We have commenced a project to meet the increasing demand for power in the Arno Bay area.

We will be upgrading the 11,000 Volt (11kV) high voltage overhead network between the Cleve and Boothby substations. This includes replacing 35 Stobie poles and upgrading all insulators and cross arms at 160 existing Stobie pole locations which will improve power reliability.

Indicative maps of the works area

Renascor notification - Arno Bay work

How this affects you

Civil works have commenced and are expected to finish by the end of June. This work includes installing new stobie pole foundations beneath existing powerlines.

Following the civil works, we will install new stobie poles and overhead powerlines with the aim to complete all work by March next year.

To ensure the safety of both our workers and the community, we will implement traffic management measures when working.

The majority of work will be conducted during daylight hours with the possibility of some weekend work.

We will inform you in advance if there are any night works that affect you.

Work won't be conducted every day during this period and project timeframes may change due to unforeseen issues.



We will have generation from our substation for two weeks in November to minimise power outages, however not all work can be done ‘live’.


Power outages

Customers may experience power outages during some of this work for crew safety. We will send SMS/ emails to subscribed customers typically two weeks before any scheduled power outage. We post cards to non-subscribed customers however there may be delays with the postal service.

If you do not already receive free SMS/ email updates about your power, you can subscribe, or call us for assistance.

You need the National Meter Identifier (NMI) from your electricity bill to subscribe.



There will be dust, vibration and noise from our work, and the operation of heavy machinery and vehicles such as cranes, however our crews will minimise these disruptions as much as possible.


Thank you

We apologise for any inconvenience you may experience, and thank you in advance for your patience during this important work.


Further information

If you have any questions about our work, please contact Kate on 7326 2924, or email us at  

  • General enquiries: 13 12 61
  • Interpreter service: 13 14 50
  • Postal address: GPO Box 77, Adelaide SA 5001