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Notification of works

South Plympton level crossing removal works - Cross Road and Marion Road

Project update 11 March 2025

While we had initially expected to complete the civil works for our part of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport’s level crossing removals project on Marion Road and Cross Road by the end of February 2025, we have resumed this work today with an expectation of finishing by Friday 21 March 2025.

We will begin the powerline works from Tuesday 25 March which we expect to finish by the end of June 2025 with some final pole and powerlines removals in August.

We will have traffic management in place whenever our crews are on site for the safety of our workers and the general public, and to minimise any traffic disruption. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work towards the successful completion of this important infrastructure project.

Customers affected by power outages during this period will be notified. We will send SMS/emails to subscribed customers affected by a power outage two weeks in advance, at which time the outage map will also be published on our website. We post cards to non-subscribed customers however there may be delays with the postal service.

If you do not already receive free notifications about your power, you can sign up for updates, or call us on 13 12 61 for assistance. You need the National Meter Identifier (NMI) from your electricity bill to subscribe.

October 2024 – February 2025

What we’re doing

We are undertaking work to support the Department for Transport and Infrastructure's Marion Road and Cross Road level crossing removals project. Project info on the government website or via

How this affects you

Our contractor, Trenchless Pipelaying Contractors (TPC), will commence civil works in late October which is expected to continue until February 2025. The works will begin with slot trenching during the day between 7am to 5pm on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 October. Wattle Terrace will be closed during this period. We'll have traffic management and detours set up to help you navigate around the works along with reduced speeds in the local area.

Further work mid-November until early February:

  • Sunday 17 to Thursday 21 November and Sunday 24 to Thursday 28 November: Overnight (7pm-5am) for trenching on Cross Road to Wattle Terrace.
  • Sunday 1 to Thursday 5 December: Overnight (7pm-5am) to finish trenching and pit fitting on Cross Road.

40km/h speed restrictions will be in place during these periods around our work areas. A lane closure will also be in effect between 499 Cross Road and 517 Cross Road.

  • Monday 9 to Friday 13 and Monday 16 December to Friday 20 December: Day work (7am-3.30pm) for trenching on Wattle Terrace.
  • Monday 6 to Friday 10 January and Monday 13 to Friday 17 January: Day work (7am-3.30pm) continuing trenching and pit installation on Wattle Terrace.

Wattle Terrace will be closed between 1 Arthur Street and 8/2A Wattle Terrace during these periods with a detour directing traffic from Cross Road via Herbert Street.

  • Sunday 19 to Thursday 23 January: Overnight for directional boring under the rail line rail.
  • Sunday 26 January to Thursday 30 January: Night work for directional boring on Cross Road, west of tram line.

Wattle Terrace will be closed again between 1 Arthur Street and 8/2A Wattle Terrace during these periods, with a detour directing traffic from Cross Road via Herbert Street. A lane closure will be in effect between 499 Cross Road and the corner of Cross Road/Lindsay Street with speed restrictions.

Traffic management will be onsite for public and crew safety along with clear signage. Night work is required due to traffic permits needed for Cross Road.

From Monday 3 February: Day (7am-3.30pm) for final clean-up or work completion if needed

Power outages

While we don’t expect any power interruptions during these works, we encourage anyone with a National Meter Identifier (NMI) on their electricity bill to sign up for free outage alerts of power outages and future events. Please call us on 13 12 61 if you need help with this process.

Thank you 

Our excavation and construction work will result in some noise, dust, and flashing lights at night, however we will minimise disruption as much as possible. Work dates may vary. We greatly appreciate your patience and understanding during this work.

Further information

Project info on the government website or via

If you have any questions or require any further information regarding our work, please contact Kate on 08 7326 2924 during business hours or email

  • General Enquires: 13 12 61
  • Interpreter service: 13 14 50
  • Postal address: GPO Box 777, Adelaide SA 5000