Our structure
Our Board of Directors and Executive Leadership Team are responsible for guiding the business and leading our 2,500 staff.
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors oversees our strategic direction and performance, and provides support to our Executive Leadership Team.
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The following committees have also been established to assist with the responsibilities of the Board:
- Audit Committee – assists with financial reporting, maintaining an efficient system of internal control and promoting an ethical culture.
- Risk Management and Compliance Committee – responsible for reviewing the risk profile of the business and oversight of risk management process, while ensuring appropriate procedures are in place to comply with legal obligations.
- Remuneration Committee – reviews and makes recommendations on remuneration arrangements for managers and staff.
- Sustainability Committee - assists with corporate governance and oversight responsibilities relating to Environmental, Social, and Governance (‘ESG’) obligations.
Meet our Board Directors (PDF 2MB)
Executive Leadership Team
Our experienced Executives lead our team of more than 2,500 staff located across South Australia, ensuring everyone from our electricians to engineers are meeting the needs of our customers.
Meet our Executive Leadership Team (PDF 1.6MB)

Andrew Bills
Chief Executive Officer
Andrew has over 25 years’ experience in the energy industry across the public and private sectors, covering power generation, retail supply, distribution, LPG and energy trading, most recently as CEO at CS Energy, a large Queensland based generation company.
Andrew’s previous roles include executive roles at Origin Energy, Babcock and Brown Power, Stanwell Corporation and as a Director at PwC. Andrew holds an MBA, BA and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Jessica Morris
Chief Customer & Strategy Officer
Jess has over 15 years’ experience in the energy industry, applying her strategic communications, community building and stakeholder engagement skills, to deeply understand customer perspectives on energy. Prior to joining the industry, Jess worked in diverse fields in both private and government sectors. She is passionate about working collaboratively with stakeholders across the supply chain to enable a renewable energy transition that improves outcomes for all customers.
Jess has a BA (Hons) and Graduate Diploma in Communications.

Richard Amato
Chief Executive Officer Enerven
Richard has more than 20 years' experience in construction, wine, manufacturing and energy industries, both in the public and private sectors. He is responsible for SA Power Networks' wholly-owned subsidiary Enerven, which provides electrical and telecommunication infrastructure across the National Market.
Richard is a Fellow Certified Practicing Accountant and holds a degree in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration. He is also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard University.

Mark Vincent
Chief Operating Officer
Mark has more than 35 years' experience in the energy industry and has been engaged in many areas within the electrical sector, including Regulation, Operations Management, Asset Management and Business Transformation. Mark is currently charged with developing SA Power Networks' strategy to deal with the opportunities arising from customers' continued take-up of distributed energy resources, and the increasing challenges and risks posed by SA's ageing network infrastructure. The strategy is seeking to support the State's transition to a decentralised, decarbonised energy system, while continuing to deliver a safe, reliable and affordable distribution service.
Mark holds a degree in Electronic Engineering and several post-graduate qualifications. He is also a Director, and Chairs the Corporate Governance Committee of the Electricity Industry Superannuation Scheme (SA) and sits on the Energy Industry Roundtable, providing advice to the Federal Government on energy policy.

Patrick Makinson
Chief Risk Officer
Patrick has more than 20 years' experience in the electricity industry in senior management positions within Finance, Risk and Insurance. He holds the position of Company Secretary and provides broad consultative advice across the business. He holds Directorships with the ElectricSuper and the Energy and Water Ombudsman SA.
Patrick is a Chartered Accountant with a Masters in Business Administration.

Sam Bradley
Chief People Officer
Sam has more than 20 years’ experience in senior HR and organisational development roles across the public and private sectors.
She has significant energy industry experience and has successfully led multiple cultural transformation and organisation design projects. Sam is passionate about building a strong, resilient corporate culture, partnering with leaders to develop and implement programs to engage employees, enhance performance and contribute to sustained organisational success.
Sam has a Bachelor of Business and holds a Certificate in Executive Leadership from UNSW’s Australian Graduate School of Management.

Dr Eva Balan-Vnuk
Chief Digital Officer
Eva joins SA Power Networks in March 2025 after almost seven years as SA Government’s Chief Information Officer, in the Department of Treasury and Finance. Eva led her team to provide critical whole of government technology, digital and cyber security services including email, Whole of Government Watch Desk, connectivity and collaboration tools to enable more than 100,000 public servants to deliver services to the SA community. This also included digital services to the community such as the mySAGov app and leadership of whole of government policies and strategies for matters that impact all agencies, such as cyber security, artificial intelligence and connectivity.
Prior to SA Government, Eva worked for Microsoft in Europe, Asia and Australia, including State Director for Microsoft South Australia and National Skills Lead, based in Adelaide. Eva has a PhD in innovation and entrepreneurship from the University of Adelaide, and is Founder and Director of HerTechPath Limited, a grass-roots social enterprise she established in 2016, dedicated to celebrating and inspiring careers for women and girls in tech cyber and STEM. Eva also contributes as a Director for Novita that provides services to people living with a disability, and she is a Trustee of the History Trust of South Australia.

Scott Gillen
Chief Financial Officer (Interim)
Scott joined SA Power Networks in November 2020. He has over 20 years’ experience in finance leadership roles across practice and industry.
Scott commenced his career with PwC, which included three years with PwC in London. Since leaving PwC, Scott has held senior finance roles with several large ASX listed and privately held multinationals.
Scott is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce.
Our business model
We are committed to achieving the best balance of outcomes for our stakeholders through a Strategic Asset Management framework. This requires the many functions of our organisation to coordinate their activity and align with our strategic objectives.