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Regulatory information

This is where you'll find information about our reporting, governance and regulatory requirements.

2025-30 Revenue determination process

Every five years we prepare a Regulatory Proposal outlining our plans and forecasting expenditure for the distribution network for the next five-year period. The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) makes a revenue determination based on our proposal. The AER determination approves the levels of capital investment, operating cost and overall funding required to complete our program of work.

We have consulted with customers and stakeholders on our plans for the next five years and our 2025-30 Regulatory Proposal was submitted to the AER in January 2024. The AER will issue its regulatory determination in September 2024. Our Talking Power website has more information about this process.  Further information on the 2025-30 determination process will be available on the AER’s website, SA Power Networks - Determination 2025-30.

Information on the current 2020-25 revenue determination can be found on the AER's website, SA Power Networks - Determination 2020-25.

Regulatory reporting

SA Power Networks has developed a Monitoring, Evaluation and Compliance Strategy (MECS) that outlines how we will use best endeavours to comply with the reliability and customer service standards outlined in the Essential Services Commission of South Australia’s Electricity Distribution Code (EDC).

We annually publish a Public Performance Report which details our performance against the service standards contained in the Electricity Distribution Code and against the 10 regions defined in the Commission’s Electricity Industry Guideline No.1.

We regularly provide detailed information to the AER for monitoring purposes, and costs must be allocated in accordance with our approved Cost Allocation Method 1350KB PDF.

The National Electricity Rules also requires Distribution Service Providers to develop, publish and maintain, a Distribution Loss Factor Methodology 296KB PDF.


In late 2016, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) released a new ring-fencing guideline to promote competition in the provision of electricity services. It introduced:

  • new legal and accounting separation obligations
  • new functional separation obligations.

We have made changes to comply with this new guideline with the lowest cost to our customers and minimum impact to the business.

Need more information? Read the ring-fencing guideline and our Implementation Plan 1170KB PDF.

Registers available for download

Register for Waiver Applications
(559 KB) Download
Register for Staff Sharing
(423 KB) Download
Register for Office Sharing
(416 KB) Download
Register for Information Sharing
(196 KB) Download

Sharing of information

We have developed an information protocol for the sharing of confidential electricity information.

Interested in more information? Review our Ring-Fencing Information Sharing Protocol 595KB PDF, or request to be added to the information register (for legal entities).