SWER line customer focus groups
SA Power Networks has a Customer Consultative Panel (CCP) to ensure customer views are considered in our decision-making. Remote and regional customers and improving the reliability for those worst served customers is one of the focus areas of the current panel.
A regional and remote customers sub-group was established to look at opportunities to improve the inequity for worst served customers in the State in terms of reliability and electricity supply. One of the objectives of the group is to become better informed about the technical and economic aspects of Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) lines, the role they play in the network and the particular issues the customers on SWER lines face.
To understand the particular issues or challenges SWER customers face, the sub-group propose to run a number of focus groups with SWER customers in late 2020 or early 2021. If you would like to participate in one of these discussions, please contact Alexandra Lewis on alex.lewis@sapowernetworks.com.au