New Embedded Generation Portal Go Live

Important changes to installing and applying for Small Embedded Generation (SEG).
What’s happening?
From 5 July SEG applications will be submitted through the new SmartApply portal and instant approval will be issued upon successful submission.
To enable a smooth transition to the new portal, we will not be accepting any SEG applications from 5pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021.
What does this mean for current SEG form users?
Solar installers, retailers and customers will not have access to create connection applications during this time frame.
If possible, we encourage you not to submit applications through the current SEG application form from now. Waiting the few extra days for the new Embedded Generation Portal to “Go Live” will mean your application can be instantly approved, rather than waiting for assessment through the current application process.
What will change with the new Embedded Generation Portal?
On Monday 5 July two new applications will go live:
- Simplified process for small embedded generation applications
- User dashboard to manage applications
- Instant approvals
- Commissioning and close out of approved installations
- For registered electricians and accredited installers
- SmartInstall is the new mandatory close-out and commissioning application for all licensed installers of solar and batteries
From 5 July, the new Embedded Generation Portal will be available on the Solar and other generators page of our website.
The first time these applications are accessed, you will be prompted to register and create a log in.
Why are we changing?
SA Power Networks has been working with solar industry representatives to find ways to improve the SEG connection process and meet the ongoing demand for distributed energy in South Australia. The SmartApply and SmartInstall applications will expedite approvals and also ensure compliance with the SA Government’s Smarter Homes program and the requirements of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
SmartApply is a quick and simple online application process enabling instant approvals.
SmartInstall will enable installers to complete the mandatory close-out process on site at the time of commissioning using your mobile device.
What you can do now
Get a preview of the new Portal and the new SmartApply and SmartInstall applications by viewing a recent webinar provided to the industry.
If you are an installer send an email to New Energy Services to let us know you will need access to SmartInstall. You’ll need to include
- your full name
- preferred email address
- your PGE number or CEC accreditation number.
Familiarise yourself with SmartApply and SmartInstall training materials.
Got questions?
You can reach our New Energy Services team directly via email at or 1300 665 913.