Upcoming improvements to installing and applying for Medium and Large Embedded Generation

From 4 April 2022, SA Power Networks is introducing a more streamlined application process through the SmartApply and SmartInstall portals for Medium and Large Embedded Generation Systems.
SmartApply is a quick and simple online application portal that lets you:
- Save your application and continue editing later.
- Check on the status and progress of an application.
- Use the dashboard to manage and track applications.
- Upload requested documents in one spot.
- Check on the agreed witnessing date.
- See when your application has been approved.
SmartInstall is a mandatory close-out portal for all licenced electricians after installing Embedded Generation. We’ve made it simple and easy so you can:
- Fulfil your reporting obligations by providing us with information we legally require.
- Access the portal on a mobile device.
- Complete the process while on-site.
Please note that in parallel to the Portal, work is being carried out to increase the Medium Embedded Generation (MEG) range to between 31 and 500kVA (from 200kVA). The Portal will be tailored to align with this outcome from launch.
Why the change?
Introducing the new applications and close-out process will help us reach our goals of doubling the amount of solar on the Network by 2025, while improving customer experience in connecting Embedded Generation.
SmartApply and SmartInstall will also help ensure compliance with the SA Government’s regulation for Smarter Homes program and the requirements of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).
Want to know more? Attend our free industry webinar.
We are running a free industry webinar on Wednesday 9 March, 7-8am covering what you need to know about the changes.
‘New MEG/LEG Portal – what you need to know about the changes’ will cover:
- What will change and why
- The benefits for you
- How to use SmartApply to lodge, manage applications
- How to use SmartInstall to close out the solar system after installation.
Where can I find more information?
To start familiarising yourself with the new Embedded Generation Portal please visit our ‘How-to guides’ on SmartApply and SmartInstall for Small Embedded Generation. This Information will be updated to reflect the upcoming changes to Medium and Large Embedded Generation.
Call us on 13 12 61 during the office hours or email newenergyservices@sapowernetworks.com.au