Service and Installation Rules released - May 2022

SA Power Networks improves Service and Installation Rules through stakeholder consultation.
Following a 12-month review of the Service and Installation Rules (SIR) with a broad range of stakeholders across the industry, our new SIRs have been published.
View and download the new Service and Installation Rules in the Resource Library.
Why the change?
The key objective was to connect with our stakeholders across the industry to review the content of the SIR and make it easier to understand and apply.
What’s different?
The new Service and Installation Rules were published to our website on 02 May 2022, with some key changes being:
- Reviewed and simplified technical content
- Restructured the document by aligning and consolidating information.
- Added a Distributed Energy Resources (DER) section.
- Created an easy-to-follow connections guide in the form of a table showing consolidated information for connection points and who’s responsible for particular activities.
What you can do now
Familiarise yourself with the new Service Installation Rules to ensure you are maintaining a high level of compliance.
Got questions?
SA Power Networks is committed to continually improving the Service Installation Rules. For all suggestions and feedback get in touch with us via:
- Phone on 13 12 61 (during office hours Monday – Friday from 9am to 5pm), or
- Email at