Community Grants in focus: Hawker Area School

Hawker Area School is the first recipient to roll out their community grant initiative with the 'Bikes Palya' program for kids and communities run by Bikes SA.
The program was originally designed for the communities of the APY lands (Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands). Palya means “great” in Pitjantjatjara. The school, located in the far north of our State, has just 50 students from Foundation to Year 12. With 50% indigenous enrolment and many students coming from lower socio-economic households, the program aims to inspire physical activity, healthier lifestyles and safety learning. The students learnt a range of tricks on bikes, travelled out and about around Hawker, including Policeman’s Hill and Jarvis Hill, but not before they learnt about the fundamentals of preparing physically for their bike rides.
Daren O’Neill, Principal, Hawker Area School said the Jarvis Hill ride was a real experience for the secondary students who learnt a lot about extending themselves beyond their normal bounds. “Many thanks for the support from SA Power Networks with the Bikes Palya program – our students have derived a lot of benefit,” Daren said. The ride up Jarvis Hill was a real ‘gut buster’ and, not surprisingly, many participants finished up walking the bikes up the last part of the journey. Once up the top, the student enjoyed a well-earned rest before the cruise down the hill in the ‘attack position’ (a safe riding posture for downhill slopes). As one student said, “riding up Jarvis Hill was very fun and tiring, even though everyone almost died, they enjoyed it and want to do it again”
The week finished up with a ‘Bikes Carnival’ where students competed in a set of multi-skilled activities, and awarded L and P plates by the local mayor. The community then celebrated with a sausage sizzle and one last chance to ride their bikes. Some great feedback from the students included “I am better at riding down hills because I now know the attack position” and a reflection on the importance of safety “you need to know road safety and how to fix your bike”. The successful initiative was part of our inaugural Community Grants Program, which had over 120 applications for projects responding to four focus areas: keeping the community safe; supporting SA Power Networks customers and community; supporting a sustainable SA; and supporting innovation for future growth.
For the full list of grant recipients, go to SA Power Networks Community Grants 2022.