Free industry webinar on introducing consequences for DER non-compliance
SA Power Networks are introducing an automated compliance management feature for small embedded generation (SEG). From 19th May, SmartApply users will have restricted access to lodge SEG applications if they have outstanding non-compliant installations. This is part of our requirement to ensure that security of supply in South Australia and long-term direction to manage the network better support the continued growth of solar.
On 19th April we held an informative webinar on the new automated compliance management feature with tips on how to be successful in achieving your Distributed Energy Resources (DER) compliance responsibilities.
A recording of the webinar can be accessed here: Industry Webinar: 19 April 2023 - Introducing consequences for DER non-compliance
For ease of navigation, specific content themes are outlined as follows:
- Why DER Compliance is important – 00:03:33
- Our approach to managing DER Compliance: Key Focus Areas – 00:07:54
- The automated DER Compliance management process – 00:13:42
- How to manage your DER compliance - 00:22:55
- Flexible Exports, including Capability Testing - 00:29:35
- Training & Support, including Set Yourself Up For Success - 00:32:27
Additional information
For further information on this topic, please visit SA Power Networks dedicated DER Compliance page.
Our New Energy Services team is ready to provide support during this transitional period. Please email us at or call us on 1300 665 913 if you have any questions, would like additional information or require support.