Seeking feedback on our 2025-30 draft regulatory proposal

Charges for State-wide electricity distribution services will remain steady in coming years while SA Power Networks steps up investment to replace ageing network assets and continues to innovate to support our State's exciting energy transition.
SA Power Networks today has issued a Draft Proposal to stakeholders seeking their feedback prior to submitting its revenue proposal for the 2025-2030 Regulatory period to the Australian Energy Regulator in January 2024.
In developing its plans, SA Power Networks has undertaken extensive consultation through a range of stakeholder and customer workshops across SA on specific issues. The consultation program also involved the appointment of a deliberative ‘People’s Panel’ – a citizen’s jury style forum that was tasked with providing advice to SA Power Networks on the best balance of service and price for the 2025-2030 period.
Under the Draft Proposal, distribution charges in 2025-2030 will remain consistent with those of the 2020-2025 period, despite a proposed uplift in capital investment in the network to tackle issues such as ageing assets, targeted reliability and resilience improvements, and continued support for the State’s renewable energy transition.
Customers will see an estimated $60 per annum reduction in 2028 when the State’s Solar PV Premium Feed-in Tariff Scheme ends. (SA Power Networks administers the scheme on a cost neutral basis for the State Government).
In releasing the Draft Proposal for public comment, SA Power Networks CEO Andrew Bills said electricity distribution costs, which make up about a third of the average residential customer bill, had been falling in real terms and would continue to do so.
“In the longer term, by 2035, we expect that the distribution component of residential customers’ electricity bills will be nearly $200 cheaper, in real terms, than back in 2015 – a 25% reduction,” Andrew said. “That’s despite us investing more and doing more work on the network than ever before.
“However, we recognise that customers are doing it tough, with the recent increases in retail and wholesale costs. We are pleased we can continue to invest in the network – which we regard as a community asset – and support the energy transition through innovation, all while keeping a lid on our charges for customers.”
Feedback on the Draft Proposal
Feedback on the Draft Proposal can be provided either by filling out an online survey or by written submission.
- Find out more about the Draft Proposal and how to provide feedback.
- Go directly to the Draft Proposal feedback survey.
Estimated impact over time
The charts below show the estimated impact over time on the average customer bill for distribution services and current share of the bill (for 2023-24).
Distribution charges over time for average customer
Average Annual Residential Bill - $2025
Retail bill breakdown by category. Based on Default Market Offer for 2023-2024.