Improving reliability, all the way to the end of the line

Our Field Services transmission line crew go all the way to the end of the line to improve reliability for our customer.
The end of the line
Ceduna is the most westerly point of the National Electricity Market grid, as well as the farthest extent of SA Power Networks' distribution network.
The South Australian west coast is known for its picturesque, rugged coastlines, big surf-breaks (and bigger sharks) and world-class oysters, but it’s a harsh environment for electrical conductors, with blasting hot salty air creating the ‘perfect’ environment for corrosion.
A big job
The Field Services transmission line crew are currently undertaking the third stage of a restringing project which will see the replacement of more than 14 kilometres of the 66kV transmission lines between Tarlton Substation, 20 kilometres west of the Eyre Highway at Cungena, and Ceduna.
To maintain supply to customers during this work, the new transmission lines are being strung 20 metres to the side of the existing line, with 52 new poles, footings, insulators, and fittings.
The Adelaide-based transmission line team of 16 specialist trades skilled workers are currently in the process of upgrading this line and will spend a total of two-and-a-half months away from their families to complete this work.
Restringing the 14 kilometres of transmission connection will use 42 kilometres of 18mm diameter conductor.
Interesting fact: 14km is the distance between Brighton jetty and Grange jetty on Adelaide's coastline.
Network Management has coordinated design and land access to private property to minimise impacts on landholders as part of the project, with six properties hosting our transmission line assets as part of this project.
This stage of the project is expected to be completed by late August and will improve the reliability of the power supply to our customers in the region.