Are you up to speed? Check your knowledge of the Dynamic and Flexible Exports Requirements that came into effect from July 2023

The SA Government has introduced Dynamic Export Requirements, requiring most new and upgraded exporting solar generation systems to be capable of remotely updating their export limits.
Coinciding with the Dynamic Export Limits Requirements, SA Power Networks has commenced the progressive rollout of the Flexible Exports connection option, which allows sites in eligible areas to export up to 10kW per phase. The offering is now available in 37 suburbs and will be expanded to cover the state by mid-2024.
Recap of what you need to know
Selling exporting solar generation systems
- Any new or upgraded installation in SA must be Dynamic Exports Capable unless they are permanently configured for zero export.
- All exporting solar generation systems must meet Dynamic Export Requirements, even if a customer opts in for a Fixed export option.
- Make sure to check what solar export options are available for your customer through Flexible Exports Eligibility Checker using the customer’s address or national meter identifier (NMI).
- Apply through SmartApply to get instant approval for your installation.
- Make sure you know how to correctly set up your manufacturers’ equipment for Flexible Exports. Training for major brands is contained in our recent free industry webinar.
Installation, close-out and commissioning process
- We’ve created a Flexible Exports installer checklist full of tips to make it easier for you to stay across what you need to do before you head to the site, right through to the close out stage.
- All installations, regardless of Fixed or Flexible, must be closed out in SmartInstall.
- For a Flexible Exports site, you need to:
- Check that you installed and configured the equipment correctly. You may need a monitoring device, additional hardware or firmware updates to achieve this. Refer to your inverter manufacture guides for support.
- Register the system with SA Power Networks, through a manufacturer’s app for your inverter of choice. Refer to the inverter manufacturer’s guides for the specific process. You will need to successfully register the system before starting the capability test. The capability test cannot be completed until the system has been registered. Registration is not required for fixed export sites.
- In SmartInstall, run the capability test by selecting the ‘Test Export Capability’ button. It may take from 5 to 25 minutes for the test to complete, depending on the inverter brand and conditions onsite.
- If the capability test is unsuccessful, check error messages in SmartInstall to troubleshoot the issue. Once you have fixed the issue, run the capability test again in SmartInstall.
- A successful capability test will be shown in SmartInstall as ‘Commissioned’. This means that the installation is successfully completed, and now compliant.
- A failed registration and capability test will result in the application being non-compliant and customer’s export will be limited to 1.5kW per phase.
Ensuring DER Compliance for Flexible Exports
- Installation information collected through SmartInstall is essential for SA Power Networks to plan and operate the network safely. To maintain your compliance rate above the 90% benchmark, you need every SmartApply application correctly closed-out in SmartInstall at the time of installation.
- A successful capability test will allow you to close-out your installation and meet your DER compliance requirements.
Missed out on installer training and webinar?
- View recording from “Installer Training Webinar: South Australia’s Dynamic and Flexible Exports Requirements” held on 23 August 2023 to learn more about:
- The end-to-end process of commissioning, device registration (new), closing out and testing a Flexible Exports system (new).
- How these requirements impact your compliance rates.
- Direction from eight inverter manufacturers on how to install new dynamic export certified equipment correctly.
Want to find out more?
- Check out Installer Information for Flexible Exports and DER compliance on our website.
- Phone on 13 12 61 (during officer hours Monday – Friday from 9am to 5pm), or
- Email at
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