Flexible exports wins AIE SA Project of the Year

Our world-leading Flexible Exports implementation has won the Australian Institute of Energy's SA Energy Project of the Year Award 2023, announced on Wednesday night at the annual SA Energy Awards.
The Flexible Exports option gives eligible new solar customers the opportunity to export up to 10kW from their systems, depending on network constraints.
Members of the project team were present at the awards event. Head of Network Strategy Brendon Hampton said, “it was fantastic to see the pride in their faces in receiving this honour and celebrating what has been a great project for us, the industry and electricity customers.”
Energy Project of the Year
‘Energy Project of the Year’ is awarded to the most significant and successful energy-related project over the past 12 months. Projects may include any professional discipline that has contributed to energy related outcomes such as research, policy, legal, commercial, engineering and construction. Other finalists in our category were ElectraNet’s Eyre Peninsula duplication (specifically their community engagement) and RAA’s statewide EV charging network.
Well done to all involved in trialling and now rolling out the flexible exports program. With 85% of eligible customers choosing the flexible exports option since its official launch on 1 July, we’re looking forward to seeing it continue to make an impact for both customers and the network as it rolls out to the rest of SA over the coming year.
More about Flexible Exports
Watch the video or read more about flexible exports: