Ensuring Safety Around Powerlines: A Vital Reminder for South Australian Farmers

South Australian farmers are gearing up for the busy season, with harvests across the state's vast agricultural landscape. However, amidst the rush to get crops out the ground, SA Power Networks is issuing a stark reminder about the importance of working safely around powerlines and electricity infrastructure.
Be prepared this harvesting season
Large farm equipment such as tractors and harvesters are all at risk of coming into contact with electricity infrastructure.
When you are operating a large piece of farm machinery, powerlines can often be challenging to spot, making their identification before work begins a critical safety measure.
South Australian farmers can access GPS mapping of the state's electricity distribution infrastructure via the Look Up and Live app and the website www.lookupandlive.com.au.
What to do if your farm equipment comes into contact with powerlines
In the event that a vehicle comes into contact with a powerline:
- Stay inside the vehicle and wait until help arrives (Unless there is another emergency, individuals should not exit the vehicle until SA Power Networks confirms it is safe to do so).
- Others in the vicinity should stay at least 10m away.
- Call SA Power Networks on 13 13 66.
Who to contact in an emergency
In a power emergency, SA Power Networks can be reached at 13 13 66, while medical or police assistance should be sought through the emergency number 000.
More about Look up and Live
Read more about Farm Safety – Look up and Live