Introducing 'Stage 3 - Export Limits' compliance from 31 May 2024

Following a positive upward trend in DER compliance, the next stage of the DER Compliance Program known as 'Stage 3 - Export Limits' will be released on 31 May 2024.
This stage of the program will detect fixed export sites (0kW, 1.5kW and 5kW) that are in breach of site export limits. On Thursday 23 May at 4pm, SA Power Networks will be hosting a free industry webinar to provide further information.
Industry webinar - Export limits compliance: preparing for success
The evolving DER compliance landscape
Since the introduction of the DER Compliance Program in May 2023, a solid foundation has been laid with the successful implementation of Stage 1 (Verify Install (Close Out)) & Stage 2 (Flexible Exports Commissioning). Today, an average compliance of 95% across both compliance stages has been achieved (up from 40% in 2023) thanks to committed action from the industry.
From 31 May 2024, the third stage of the DER Compliance Program will be introduced targeting export limit compliance at fixed export sites across our network.
Currently, 55% of fixed-export sites in South Australia have been identified as exceeding approved export limits. Ensuring sites are operating within their export limits is essential in enabling the continued connection of solar to our network, ensuring the solar industry can continue to grow and prosper in South Australia and providing all customers fair access to the network in the long term.
What will change from 31 May?
From 31 May 2024, all new/upgraded 0kW, 1.5kW and 5kW fixed export installations closed out in SmartSA will undergo a 10-day remote verification period using meter data. During this time, the equipment status will change to ‘pending commissioned’. Note for sites that do not currently have a smart meter, the 10-day period will only commence once interval meter export data is available for the site i.e. once the meter exchange has been completed.
If the site exports above its approved fixed export limit over this time, the installation will be flagged as ‘non-compliant’ and contribute to overall compliance percentage.
If the site does not exceed the approved export limit within the verification period, the installation will be deemed compliant for export limits. The equipment status will automatically update to ‘commissioned’.
Existing non-compliant fixed export equipment will also be flagged against the NMI which will prompt any retailer or installer submitting future applications to take ownership of the compliance issue, irrespective of the original source of the non-compliance. Further information on compliance resolution is detailed below.
Equipment closed out prior to 31 May 2024 will not be subject to the compliance requirements of Stage 3.
Resolving export limit breaches
There are various ways an export limit breach can be resolved. Remote rectification by the solar installer, direct support from the equipment manufacturer or site attendance by a solar installer may be required. Please contact the equipment manufacturer in the first instance to understand the options.
Following export limit resolution, automatic data monitoring will continue to check export compliance for a 10-day period to confirm the resolution. You do not need to take any administrative action to confirm the resolution. Once export compliance has been verified, the installed equipment status will automatically update to ‘commissioned’ in SmartSA.
Industry education and support
On Thursday 23 May at 4pm, SA Power Networks will be hosting a free industry webinar to provide further information on export limit compliance and a refresher of the compliance journey to-date. A Q&A session will also feature as part of the session.
You are invited to register for the webinar.
Date: 23 May
Time: 4pm
Location: Online through Zoom
We’re here to help
Our dedicated New Energy Services Team is committed to supporting solar retailers and installers to meet industry compliance goals. Over the past three months, our team has been providing telephone support to retailers and installers who are most at risk of export limit non-compliance when Stage 3 is released.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the team by:
- Email:
- Phone: 13 12 61 and select option 2.