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Stobie poles transformed into vibrant works of art to form the Bowden Bird Walk

Bowden Bird Walk news hero

The Bowden Bird Walk, a self-guided art trail featuring a vibrant collection of mosaic birds adorning Stobie poles, was officially launched over the weekend as part of the SALA Festival.

This project, led by volunteer group Hindmarsh Greening over the past five years, is a testament to community collaboration and creativity.

The 30 mosaics, created by a dedicated group that meets every Sunday at the Brompton Community Garden shed, have transformed the Stobie poles into colourful canvases, using mostly donated materials. 

Video: Bowden Bird Walk launch event

The project also coincides with the 100-year anniversary of the Stobie pole, adding historical significance.

The Stobie pole has become an iconic canvas for artwork, with the first poles being painted in 1983 in Prospect by artist Ann Newmarch. 

Premier Peter Malinauskas officially opened the Walk, praising Hindmarsh Greening for their ongoing efforts to beautify the community. "The Bowden Bird Walk Art Trail is a wonderful example of how art can bring people together and transform public spaces," he said.

Cheryl Jaeschke, Coordinator Hindmarsh Greening with Peter Malinauskas Premier of SA, Andrew Bills CEO South Australia Power Networks and Bridget Alfred CEO SALA Festival at the launch of Bowden Bird Walk Art Trail.

Picture: Cheryl Jaeschke, Coordinator Hindmarsh Greening with Peter Malinauskas Premier of SA, Andrew Bills CEO SA Power Networks and Bridget Alfred CEO SALA Festival at the launch of Bowden Bird Walk Art Trail.

SA Power Networks CEO Andrew Bills also spoke at the opening, sharing, “There is no doubt that Cyril Stobie would be proud that his work has become part of the community fabric, extending well beyond its utility as a concrete and steel pole.”

Andrew was also proud to announce that SA Power Networks is supporting the Bowden Bird Walk’s entry into the 2024 Australian Street Art Awards later this year, with winners announced in 2025, fingers crossed for a win!

SA Power Networks is thrilled to have been able to support many applications over the years to beautify Stobie poles throughout SA, and want to acknowledge the significant contribution that Hindmarsh Greening has made throughout over 30 years of community art initiatives in the Bowden area.


To view the map of the walk and explore it yourself, head to the SALA Festival website.

Learn more about Stobie poles by reading The Stobie pole: A Century of Service.

Gallery of images from the event supplied by City of Charles Sturt.

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