Get your 2025 Flexible Exports compliance off to a good start

As we continue the roll out of flexible exports, it's even more important to make sure Flexible sites are compliant and working well, both for customers and the network.
While significant progress has been made, there are still about a quarter of all Flexible Exports sites that are non-compliant.
Picture: the four stages of CER Compliance. Stages 1-3 have been implemented so far.
Some handy hints for flexible exports compliance
- Ensure inverter firmware is updated to the latest version.
- Ensure OEM guides are followed for their specific flexible exports set-up. These are updated from time to time so it's worth checking in to see if new versions are available.
- For multi-inverter setups where both inverters are Flexible capable, please check with the manufacturer to confirm if and how these can be connected to support Flexible Export limits. Note only one Flexible Exports Connection is accepted per NMI.
- If you need further assistance, reach out to the OEM while you are on-site.
Don’t forget, you can always check for any requests that need attention through the SmartSA portal. Just head to the non-compliant tab of your Requests page to view this list.
If you run into recurring issues or are struggling to keep your compliance percentage above 90% (and therefore risk getting blocked from creating new applications), reach out to our Industry Enquiries team on 13 12 61.
Find more information about CER compliance for small embedded generation.