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Flexible Exports update

Flexible Exports update news hero 905 x 428

Flexible Exports is now available for over 70% of customers including all metropolitan areas. Compliance to Exports limits is increasing which is good for installers, good for customers and good for the system.

Customers on single-wire earth return (SWER) lines

When considering the roll-out to regional areas, we have many customers supplied by single-wire earth-return (SWER) lines. These networks have only a single wire running to a property and are typically used to supply electricity over long distances in regional areas. Customers on SWER lines have historically only been able to install up to 5kW of solar capacity and 5kW of battery capacity.

SA Power Networks is looking to enable customers in these areas to install more solar at their property. These customers may also be able to export up to 10kW from their systems; however, we note that some areas will be more limited in their export capacity than others and customers in certain regions may not be able to export at all.

We will provide more information about the requirements for installing solar and battery systems on SWER networks when this option becomes available. 


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