Metering Contestability - Metering Changes in SA

Due to changes in the national electricity rules, from 1 December 2017, retailers will be responsible for installing all new and replacement electricity meters in South Australia.
All new or replaced meters will be required to meet a new minimum standard, with increased functionality compared to traditional meters.
Digital/smart meters will have key attributes including:
- remote reconnection and disconnection capabilities
- remote data reading capabilities
- interval data capabilities.
From 1 December 2017, you will need to organise customer metering via the customer’s retailer/ meter provider.
For more information on the regulatory changes resulting in this, visit and search Power of Choice.
Please also be aware, to minimise the impact to customers and Retailers during a peak period, SA Power Networks has agreed to a staged approach.
What does this mean for you and your clients from 1 December 2017?
For new connections and alterations:
- To ensure service arrangements can be determined, requests for new or altered supplies will still come to SA Power Networks.
- SA Power Networks will continue to ‘book’ work with you to facilitate the installation of the service and connection/energisation up to the meter isolator. However, prioritisation of required metering to complete the site energisation will no longer be part of SA Power Networks’ service.
- You will need to contact the Retailer for the provision of metering equipment and coordinate with the Retailer so the metering is installed on or after the SA Power Networks connection/energisation date/time.
For PV installations:
- All PV meter installs on existing installations will be requested via the Retailer - SA Power Networks will not be involved.
- You will still need Small Embedded Generation (SEG) approval via SA Power Networks prior to requesting the Retailer to change the metering. A new streamlined web form will replace the old process.
For abolishments:
- All abolishment requests must be made via the Retailer. SA Power Networks will not accept a request directly from the customer.
- Paper based Form A will be replaced with a new web form from 1 December. Paper Form A’s will no longer be accepted.
- REX will continue to provide you the ability to create, track and book work online.
There will be a staged approach
To minimise the impact to customers and retailers during a peak period, SA Power Networks has agreed to a staged approach. This means we will continue to install metering for the prescribed period of four months (1 December 2017 to 30 March 2018), based on specific work request types.
What this means
If SA Power Networks has received and accepted a new supply, alteration or PV meter install (e.g. Form A and Retailer Service Order received) from a retailer who has ‘Opted in’ to the staged approach prior to the close of business on 30 November 2017, and the work is scheduled to be completed by us before the 30 March 2018, we will do both the servicing and metering.
If either the work is received/accepted after the 30 November 2017 or existing work is scheduled after the 30 March 2018, SAPN will no longer do the metering - the retailer will be responsible for this.
The following retailers have nominated to ‘Opt in’, others not listed are considered to have ‘Opted out’.
- AGL Energy
- Energy Australia
- Origin Energy
- Red Energy/Lumo Energy
- Powerdirect
- Alinta
- Actew AGL Retail
- ERM Power
- Tango/Pacific Hydro
- Next Business Energy
- Stanwell
- Momentum
For those that haven’t ‘Opted in’ to the staged approach, all metering jobs in our system after 1 December 2017 will be the responsibility of the Retailer.
Key messages
- Ensure new connection jobs to be completed between 1 December and 30 March are finalised with the retailer and scheduled with SA Power Networks prior to 30 November, otherwise it will fall in to the new process (no metering post 1 December, unless it’s a staged retailer).
- From 1 December, for new and altered installations, your application to SA Power Networks is for the Service Provision and/or SEG. You will need to apply to the customers chosen retailer for the meter. We will only connect to the meter isolator.
- Ensure you read all safety labels or tags left with the customer or in the meter box.
- For Solar PV, you will still need to apply for SEG approval with SA Power Networks and provide the approval number to the retailer to arrange the meter.
- SA Power Networks will continue to provide emergency call out services as it does today (i.e. no supply).
- If it is identified there is an issue with a meter, and we attend, our process will be to bypass the meter (if safe to do so) to ensure the customer has supply and notify the retailer. Check for safety tags or stickers.
- There will be new web forms from 1 December 2017 for:
- new service provision
- alteration of service provision
- temp disconnection/reconnection of supply
- quote for security lighting
- quote for network extension or modification
- low voltage line covers or tiger tails
- SEG.
- Paper based forms (i.e. Form A) will no longer be accepted, all applications via
- REX will remain and will be modified to accommodate new regulations.
- In readiness for the 1 December rule changes, we will cease accepting applications for new connections, alterations of service provision, including PV, at close of business 24 November.
- SA Power Networks will soon have detailed handbooks outlining all the rules and procedural changes – these will be available via our next Industry News and sent to all available emails registered in REX.
- We understand this is a complex process change. Please email any questions you have to
We have modified our processes to meet the requirements of the new rules and to minimise delays or inconvenience as much as possible.