Metering Contestability - Metering changes in SA: Information session summary

Today marks the day of the launch of Metering Contestability.
In preparation for this, we held two forums across the state during the week of 13 November to 17 November, which expanded on Metering Contestability and SA Power Networks process updates (more information within previous Industry news). The aim was to reinforce that the changes coming into effect are due to rule changes at a regulatory level and to highlight SA Power Networks processes in preparation for 1 December 2017 impacting registered electricians.
The sessions provided information on:
- responsibility changes
- process changes for New Supply, Additions/Alterations, PV Meter Installations and Abolishments
- form A & B changes
- REX changes
- faults & emergencies
- The industry ‘staged’ approach.
With feedback we received, we’ve collated information summarising what was covered.
Responsibility & process changes
From 1 December 2017, new meter installations will no longer be the responsibility of SA Power Networks. Instead, retailers will take on these responsibilities.
Retailers will commence:
- provision and installation of new metering and replacement metering, plus associated services (such as maintain the new meters)
- collection and provision of interval data to market
- management of retailer ‘planned outages’ (due to metering works).
SA Power Networks will continue to:
- read and test existing SA Power Networks meters and provide data to market
- install, maintain and remove service provisions
- respond to outages and faults
- all its other obligations as a distributor.
The new processes can be seen on the following process flows.
Forms & REX
Paper (hardcopy) Form A and B will not be accepted or available for raising jobs from 1 December 2017. These will be replaced with new web forms, which can be used to apply for:
- applications for New Service Provision or Alteration of Service Provision
- requests for Temporary DN/RN of supply, quotation for security lighting, low voltage line covers (tiger tails), or quotation for network extension/modification.
If you are registered and authorised to use REX, it will continue to allow you to create and track your work as well as provide you SMS/Email notifications at critical stages of the process.
Please be aware that job creation on REX will be temporarily unavailable from 24 November to 4 December to facilitate market changes related to Metering Contestability.
Faults & Emergencies
SA Power Networks will continue to provide Faults & Emergency services as it does today.
Under supply restoration conditions, if our field crew identify the metering equipment (either SA Power Networks or retailer) to be the cause of an outage, we will bypass the meter where it is safe to do so and notify the retailer to ensure the customer has supply (for a transition period only).
Where consumer mains or metering is damaged and requires replacement or repair, the retailer will need to be contacted to arrange metering equipment replacement.
'Staged' approach
As per our previous Industry News, we have agreed to participate in a ‘staged’ approach to reduce the impact on customers, RECs and retailers.
For this to occur, the retailer must have ‘opted in’ for SA Power Networks to assist in New Connections, Adds & Alts and PV Installations during the transition period (1 December 2017 – 30 March 2018).
SA Power Networks will also continue to conduct both servicing and metering provision works on jobs scheduled up to the COB 30 March 2018 where approvals and forms/request transactions have been received and accepted by SA Power Networks from the retailer by the COB 30 November 2017. Any requests after 30 November 2017, jobs scheduled after 30 March 2018, or requests from ‘opted out’ retailers will be treated under the new processes from 1 December 2017.
Further resources
- Learn more about new meter installations.
- For more information, please check out our previous Industry News or you can visit the AEMC website and search ‘Power of Choice’.
- Alternatively, you can email the Metering Contestability team on