Annual network plans
Here is where you will find all our annual network plans, from our Industry Engagement Register to our zone substation data.
Our industry engagement document (PDF 617KB) provides in-depth information about our strategy for:
- connecting solar or other forms of power generation to our network
- engaging with non-network solution providers and Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS) resource service providers
- considering the use of non-network solutions and SAPS solutions to resolve an identified need.
If you would like us to notify you when we publish or change any of these documents, you can register your interest on our industry engagement register.
We do not use our register to identify potential suppliers of equipment or services.
Each year we produce a distribution annual planning report. It informs our National Electricity Market regulators, participants and stakeholders about:
- existing and forecast system limitations on our distribution network;
- where and when we expect our limitations to arise within the period from 2024 to 2029;
- whether the Australian Energy Regulator’s Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution process applies;
- our demand management initiatives;
- our reliability and quality of supply performance; and
- our proposed asset replacement investments.
Our current report provides information on our demand management initiatives, reliability and quality of supply performance, and our asset replacement investments.
The distribution annual planning report, network visualisation portal and attachments can be accessed via the following links:
- Distribution Annual Planning Report (PDF 5.0 MB)
- A-Load forecast dashboard (XLSB 2.83 MB)
- B-2025 System Limitation Templates (XLSX 18.82 MB)
- B-2026 System Limitation Templates (XSLX 23.89 MB)
- B-2027 System Limitation Templates (XSLX 16.41 MB)
- B-2028 System Limitation Templates (XLSX 18.35 MB)
- B-2029 System Limitation Templates (XLSX 20.41 MB)
- C-Projects with Changed Dates (XSLX 0.27 MB)
- Network Visualisation Portal (Log in / Register)
Each year we produce a register of connected embedded generation projects.
This register informs our National Electricity Market regulators, participants and stakeholders about the types of embedded generating systems that have been connected to our network in the preceding five years, along with site-specific information associated with each one.
The register of connected embedded generation projects can be accessed via the following links:
As part of our ongoing commitment to the efficient management of the distribution network, SA Power Networks has expanded the scope of RIT-D process of engaging non-network solution providers to also include network investments less than $6M and address network constraints to defer augmentation.
See the most recent EOI for non-network solutions and the proposal form:
We must perform a regulatory investment test for distribution for all capital projects meeting specific criteria, which we explain in our industry engagement document (PDF 617KB).
This test identifies what documents we must publish, including:
- draft project assessment reports
- final project assessment reports
- non-network options report (historic)
- options screening report
- screen test notices.
The regulatory investment test for distribution is as follows:
If we determine that a non-network option or Stand-Alone Power Systems (SAPS) option may be a possible solution to resolve a specific system limitation, we publish an options screening report.
These reports invite comments and proposals for solutions from all market participants, interested parties and people who register on our industry engagement register.
After we close a report, we produce a draft project assessment report and then a final project assessment report.
If you want us to notify you of any non network options reports we publish, you can register your interest on our industry engagement register.
We publish a screening test notice if we perform a regulatory investment test for distribution and find that a non-network solution or Stand-Alone Power System (SAPS) solution does not exist.
Our industry engagement document (PDF 617KB) provides further information about these notices.
If you want us to notify you of any screening test notices we publish, you can register your interest on our industry engagement register.
We publish our draft project assessment reports (DPAR) where a regulatory investment test for distribution process applies. We will also publish these reports if we publish an options screening report.
Our industry engagement document (PDF 617KB) explains the criteria to decide if a regulatory test for distribution process applies and how we perform it.
If you want us to notify you of any draft project assessment reports we publish, you can register your interest on our industry engagement register.
We publish our final project assessment reports where a regulatory investment test for distribution process applies.
Our industry engagement document (PDF 617KB) explains the criteria to decide if a regulatory investment test for distribution process applies and how we perform it.
If you want us to notify you of any final project assessment reports we publish, you can register your interest on our industry engagement register.
Each year, we publish data from our zone substations. These documents provide information on:
- the region the zone substation operates within
- the name of the zone substation
- the name of the transmission connection point
- the date of the reading
- the time of the reading in Central Standard Time (CST) or Central Standard Summer Time (CSST);
- the reading units
- the sum of the zone substation’s transformer(s) in MW, MVAr and MVA readings for each half hour (where available)
- the sum of the zone substation’s transformer(s) or downstream feeder’s readings in Amps (where MW or MVAr readings do not exist).
We make no representation as to the accuracy, content, completeness or reliability of the data. It is raw data that we do not analyse or test. Any use of the data or conclusions made by third parties shall be at the sole risk of the party.
Other than responsibilities under law that we cannot exclude, we accept no liability or claims for any losses in relation to the data. If we breach any condition of warranty under the law, we are liable, to extent possible, for:
- the resupply of the goods or services
- the payment of the cost of having the goods or services supplies again.
Conditions of use
If you use or access this webpage or data, you accept the following conditions:
- You agree with and accept the disclaimer above.
- You agree that if you provide the data to third parties, you will provide that third party with the above disclaimer and these conditions of use.
- You agree not to sell the data to third parties without our prior written consent.
- You agree that the data is our property. We reserve all rights in relation to the data.
- You acknowledge our network is dynamic by nature and subject to change to manage operational constraints, and that the network's configuration is subject to change without notice.