Life support customers and registration
Why register?
If you or someone in your home relies on critical medical equipment, let us know. Registering as a life support customer helps us to keep you informed during power outages and gives you additional notice of planned outages.
Important note
Registering does not guarantee continuous power, but it does allow us to ensure you are well-informed about work that impacts your power supply. In the case you are without power unexpectedly, it’s important you have engaged with your medical practitioner and developed a back-up action plan on how your medical needs will be met without power supply.
How to register
You can submit a completed medical certificate via email, post it to us or you can contact your Retailer.
If you’re looking for advice about registering as a life support customer or are looking for more information, contact us Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm on 13 12 61.
Postal address:
SA Power Networks Market Operations DX11101
GPO Box 77
Adelaide, SA, 5001
How to de-register or update your details
- De-register through:
- Your Retailer (the company you receive your power bill from)
- Or give us a call on 13 12 61.
Stay informed
Sign up for our free SMS service to receive notifications about upcoming planned work that will impact your power supply and receive updates about unplanned outages. You can also add a carer, friend, or support person to receive these updates.
Who qualifies?
To register as a life support customer, you or someone in your home may be using any of the following equipment:
- Oxygen concentrator
- Intermittent peritoneal dialysis machine
- Kidney dialysis machine
- Continuous positive airways pressure respirator
- Crigler Najjar syndrome phototherapy equipment
- Ventilator for life support
- Other life support equipment certified by a registered medical practitioner
Unplanned or unexpected power outages
We strive to provide reliable power but outages happen due to weather, wildlife, or accidents. We work quickly to restore power but can't always guarantee a specific timeframe. Please have a back-up plan in place with your doctor or life support equipment supplier should power not be available.
In a health emergency
Call 000 immediately.
Report outages or hazards
Report outages or hazards via our 24/7 phone line at 13 13 66.
To minimise health impacts during a power outage, consider the following:
- Create a back-up action plan with your medical practitioner
- Know how your equipment works without power
- Keep backup batteries charged
- Ensure oxygen cylinders are filled
- Cordless phones and landlines won't operate without power supply. Do you have an alternative phone service available?
- Note the nearest hospital and its contact details
- Check if your hospital has backup power
- Know how you would get to the hospital if needed
- Keep important contact numbers handy:
- Doctor
- Local hospital
- Ambulance
- Taxi
- Personal carer
- Health care professional
- Stock up on medications and health supplies
- Use surge suppressors for electronic equipment
- Electric recliner chairs may not be able to operate without power and people with mobility issues may get stuck
- Consider an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for temporary backup power