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Small compensation claims regime

The South Australian Government has released the draft National Energy Retail Law (Local Provisions) (Small Compensation Claims Regime) Amendment Regulations 2024 for public consultation. The draft regulations and public submission portal can be found at

The draft regulations propose to implement a small compensation claims regime in South Australia. The regime is designed to provide small customers with small claims a low cost and effective way to obtain compensation for damage to their property in respect of certain incidents, without needing to demonstrate that SAPN is at fault, negligent or has acted in bad faith.
The draft regulations include details on:

  • The incidents that will be covered by the regime  
  • The monetary limits on amounts that can be claimed
  • The periods for which regulations apply

The draft regulations need to be read in conjunction with Part 7 of the National Energy Retail Law which set out other details for the regime. This includes details on who can make a claim and how a claim can be made (including evidentiary requirements for a customer to make a claim).
Public consultation closes at 11.59pm ACDT on Sunday 27 October 2024
For any information regarding the regulatory process, please contact the South Australian Department for Energy and Mining.
Once the regulations to implement the regime in South Australia have been made, this website will be updated to provide customers with key information.