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We are committed to supporting the uptake of electric vehicles (EVs) in South Australia. Here’s what you need know when installing an EV Charger.

The future of EVs with SA Power Networks

We are committed to supporting and promoting the uptake of EVs. By 2050, EVs will have increased energy throughput on our network by 50%. This will make SA Power Networks the primary distribution system of transport fuel for the state. To cater for this expected increase in network load, we are enabling smarter network management. Flexible EV charging is one way to smooth peak electricity demand and reduce overall network costs.

We are pursuing a range of strategies, outlined in our Distributed Energy Transition Roadmap, to maintain a safe, affordable and reliable grid for all South Australians and help achieve South Australia’s goal of achieving net-100% renewable electricity by 2030.

Read South Australia's Electric Vehicle Action Plan for more information on the South Australian government's future of electric vehicles in our state.

What you need to know when installing different types of EV chargers 

Here's how to approach site selection and installation of different kinds and sizes of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE): 

EV Chargers for fleets, commercial sites, and public rapid chargers

EV Chargers for fleets, commercial sites, and public rapid chargers

What to know about installing dedicated chargers of any size where total site demand is >100A

EV chargers in residential and small business sites

EV chargers in residential and small business sites

What to know when installing dedicated chargers of 20A-32A where total site demand is <100A

Note that portable chargers that plug directly into a standard power socket, or dedicated chargers <20A do not require application to install.