Critical Victor Harbor substation works - extended power outage

SA Power Networks has scheduled critical work at the Victor Harbor substation that will require the substation to be de-energised for about eight hours overnight in early April.
Supply will be turned off from 10pm on Sunday 2 April until 6am on Monday 3 April impacting 12,600 customers in Victor Harbor and surrounding areas. (See map below).
The eight-hour outage will enable crews to replace a faulty circuit breaker which is essential to managing day-to-day supply and minimising the impact of outages on powerlines supplied from the substation.
SA Power Networks already has undertaken considerable consultation with essential services and key businesses about the outage plan and is providing significant advance notice to ensure customers have plenty of time to plan to manage their individual circumstances.
We acknowledge this is an extensive outage. We have made every effort to look at alternative options to undertake this work and minimise the impact.
Because of the critical importance of repairing the circuit breaker, safety aspects of the job, and the size of the customer base supplied from this station, deenergising the whole substation is our best option to undertake this critical work.
We have tried to pick the best time to do this work, balancing the tourism and holiday aspects of the area, other impacts such as for schools and business, and on the basis of our discussions with various stakeholders we believe an overnight Sunday-to Monday timeslot will be the least disruptive.